Alex Kennon
A track you love to hear on a sunny morning…
Nu Guinea – Nu World (Vocal Mix).
Your perfect breakfast would be…
Avocado Salmon tostada and natural yogurt with walnuts.
The dish that reminds me of my childhood…
Spaghetti with clams and parmigiana.
Who taught you to cook?
Actually nobody. I’ve inherited the tricks from my grandma and mother. Also, if you don’t have expert knowledge about cooking, I believe you are able to do it with freedom and passion.
Your favourite 3 restaurants in your home city…
Ristorante Bacco (below), Vecchio Forno and Antica Cucina in my home town of Barletta where I grew up.

5 other restaurants from around the world you love…
Tickets in Barcelona (below)

Il pescatore in Bari (below)

Assunta in Rome (below)

Gramercy Tavern in New York (below)

…and my parents’ house as the last one!
A DJ or musician that has surprised you with their cooking skills at home/their home…what did they cook..
I have yet to be surprised…
Your guilty pleasure food…. You know you shouldn’t but you always do…
Dark chocolate, I can eat a whole bar in few seconds!
What is your signature dish?
Risotto with strawberries and vodka
If you could have a master-class with a celebrity chef, who’d you pick and why?
Maybe Massimo Bottura, because for him less is more – which is a concept that I use often in my own life.

Dead or alive – 3 famous people you would invite around for dinner
Jimmy Fellon, Robert Smith from The Cure and Charlize Theron
A dish you have yet to master…
I have too many to list….
Your favourite pizza topping ….
Sausage and Friarielli or Speck and Smoked Scamorza.
Your biggest ever food mistake…
Making lentils stick to the pot, they were cemented on!
A dish you just cannot eat…
Strong cheese
You get in from the club pissed, dive in the fridge and usually come out with…?
Jamon Iberico de bellota
The most expensive meal you have ever had?
I think was in Lio in Ibiza.

My favourite restaurants on the island…
Can Toni Xumeu, Cala Gracioneta (below), La Escollera and more – too many to choose from!

The best sunset spot for a cold drink…
Hostel La Torre

A record that always reminds you of Ibiza…
Celeda and Danny Tenaglia – ‘Music Is The Answer’
Your favourite Ibiza dish…
The perfect 24 hours in Ibiza would be…
Switch off your phone and let the island bring you around to reality…..
Alex Kennon ‘I Can’t Get You’ is out now on Saved…