First and foremost let’s get this straight, I love all food, every cuisine and have a great passion for seasonality. I focus my recipes on the best produce possible so the flavours can speak for themselves. I am not one for fad diets and fleeting food trends, my philosophy with cooking is simple: to nurture, to nourish, to pleasure, to comfort and above all to do the ingredients justice by making food look utterly delicious – and of course to cook with love and laughter.
My recipes are purely guide lines, I have given alternatives to various ingredients so please tweak and adjust to your own tastes and preferences. Without preaching, I always buy seasonal fruit and vegetables and wherever possible, organic. I choose ethical free range meat and eggs and try to cook with as many ingredients produced from this incredible island – I believe it is so important to support and promote the fantastic artisans of Ibiza. With the current movement towards healthier eating, I try to cut back on wheat, dairy and refined sugar because it’s genuinely not very good for us. I’m not suggesting for one minute that we ditch these from our diets completely, but to instead explore other alternatives. Opting for different whole grains, flour, fat and sugar alternatives can be fun and at times liberating. That said, you will come across some indulgent recipes too – it’s Ibiza, the island of hedonism…and a little bit of what you fancy doesn’t hurt now and again.
Welcome to our table… enjoy!
We leave the baking sunshine of the campo laden with baskets of juicy ripe apricots from my friend Camilla Ham’s orchard trees with the help of her lovely boys Liam and Hayden. Why does it always taste so much better...
Read More I’m all for moderation and denying that occasional sweet craving is such a bore, but with this homemade granola bar recipe, problem solved. They are totally delicious…sticky sweet, chewy and nutty but they benefit...
Read More Here is a dead easy recipe for a healthier granola – the shop bought ones tend to be loaded with refined sugar and oils even though they are labelled ‘healthy’. You can add a number of extras depending on your own...
Read More This is such a fun recipe and totally delicious which is great to serve friends at a party as an alternative to hot dogs. Make sure you get the biggest prawns you can find, remove the heads and shell leaving the tail on...
Read More This jam came together like many of my recipes do, using the contents of my fridge and cupboards and trying to be a bit creative. I absolutely hate wasting fruit and recently I had a big tray of strawberries that were...
Read More I adore the colour of this soup – it’s spring and summer in a bowl. Wild garlic is growing all along our roadsides in Ibiza although sadly it’s coming to an end now. For this recipe I used a little cluster...
Read More Of course BBQ sauce with loads of sugar tastes deliciously moorish - but for those of us that don’t want to consume vast quantities of refined sugar it’s good to have a healthier alternative that doesn’t lack in...
Read More With trees in ibiza laden with the sweetest oranges I have ever eaten, I love to find different ways of incorporating them into my recipes. With the combination of carrots and fruits it is not dismimilar to a...
Read More This a stunning ‘cream cheese-like’ yoghurt that is so easy to make but you do need a little time as it needs to drip away in the fridge for at least 24 hours to give it a thick cream cheese-like consistency (or...
Read More Succulent, tangy and sweet, the wonderfully delicious Nisperos (loquat) fruit are rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. As I have mentioned before in LoveFoodIbiza – late spring in Ibiza sees Nisperos growing...
Read More It’s a great time of the year for crunchy peppery radishes and a great way to preserve them is by pickling. I love pickled vegetables and the scope and variety in which you can use them - give me a homemade pickled...
Read More I was so annoyed when I read in a certain Sunday supplement that avocado on toast was no longer the ‘hip’ thing to eat – it's been named the "most annoying food on Instagram” and according to Google trends,...
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