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Buckwheat tabbouleh, cumin roasted carrots & halloumi (optional extra)

I love the nutty texture of buckwheat and it makes a nice difference from bulgur wheat that is normally used in tabbouleh - also, buckwheat is grain free and gluten free. It may seem like an extensive...

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10 Seed Omega Crackers (optional extras)

When it comes to healthy crackers, shop-bought varieties usually aren’t the best. The great thing with homemade crackers is that they are easily adaptable with herbs and spices. They are super easy to make and what...

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Strawberry Gazpacho (optional extra)

A soup? A smoothie? A liquid salad? Let’s be honest about gazpacho, when I first learnt about this cold soup as a child I thought the idea was pretty yucky. Did you have the same feelings? Now I consider it as a...

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Hormonal balancing overnight oats - (optional extra)

Start your day right with this amazing breakfast - and better still you can rustle it up in less than two minutes! Bursting with nutrients and fibre, oats are one of the most nutritious whole-grain foods you can...

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Quick Pickled cabbage, red onion & beetroot – (optional extra)

This is simple but oh my word utterly delicious - just look at the colours! It only takes about 10 to 15 minutes but it’s a good idea to start it the night before so that the flavours can develop. I've been a big...

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Home grown sprouts and micro cress - (optional extra)

Sprouts and micro cress will often feature as an addition to salads that I serve on retreats and for me, there is also a real joy to see their development to life as they grow rapidly over a short few days. You don't...

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Mung beans, roasted tomato, spring onion with hemp and nigella seeds - (optional extra)

You can channel your inner hippie with this beautiful dish! This makes a great lunch and sometimes I serve it with a poached egg. Mung beans and hemp are ingredients that seem to typify hippie cooking for their health...

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Cumin garlic Buckwheat flatbreads (optional extra)

Honestly give this recipe a go, there’s no proving or kneading like you have to do when making bread. I’ve also made them more healthy with probiotic kefir yogurt and gluten free buckwheat flour - then for an extra...

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Yogi Waldolf salad (optional extra)

This is my healthy twist on a classic waldolf salad that would usually be loaded with fattening mayonnaise – but this is absolutely brimming with super food nutrients. Black and red grapes are anti-inflammatory,...

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Creamy chia pudding with Spiced fruit Compote - Sunday brunch

It's the final day of the retreat and what better way to finish than with this exquisite number! Use the gorgeous fruit compote that was on last night's dessert menu to layer up with creamy coconut chia. Now I...

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Garlic Mushroom and Manchego frittatas - Sunday brunch

These delicious omega-3 bites will satisfy your hunger and are perfect for lunch or brunch, they take minutes to prepare and can be easily adapted with vegetables of your choice. We are in late spring and its...

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Summer sunshine Shakshuka - Saturday brunch

This is a stunning seasonal twist on one of my absolute brunch-time faves. Shakshuka (pronounced shack-shoe-kah) is an easy but elegant one pot wonder - protein packed and full of omega-3. The base sauce of...

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